Supporting women’s healthcare: 20 ways nurses can empower their female patients and colleagues

14 Sep 2023

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As a nurse you are on the frontline of healthcare. We know how much you do every day to improve the lives of your patients and provide them with the best possible care, offering valuable medical knowledge alongside unwavering encouragement and support. At ProMedical, we’re dedicated to helping nurses to make positive change in the lives of their patients and colleagues in the medical profession. Whether you’re a healthcare professional aiming to better support others or are seeking opportunities that embrace inclusivity, our experienced consultants are here for you.
How healthcare has worked toward a more inclusive future
Women have always contributed to healthcare in the UK, just look at the careers of those famous 19th century nurses Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale! And in the last 75 years of the NHS the role of women in healthcare has taken great strides forward.


  • Celebrating female representation
    In the UK healthcare sector, women shine. Almost 77% of the total NHS workforce are women, with the greatest numbers in nursing and specialisms such as obstetrics, midwifery, and social care.



  • The future of diversity and inclusion in healthcare
    While more can always be done to improve inclusion in the UK’s healthcare system there is a real effort underway to improve representation and healthcare outcomes. The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan is one way to make opportunities for progression equitable and there are ways you as a nurse can help too.

This trend promises to create a more inclusive and empathetic healthcare system, where women’s unique healthcare needs are not only recognised but celebrated. As front-line healthcare professionals, nurses play a vital role in this transformation, leading with empathy and dedication.


20 things nurses can do to support female patients and colleagues

Are you looking for more proactive ways to provide care and support to your female patients and colleagues? Here are some ways practical ways you give support and promote health and wellbeing through your nursing practice:

For Female Patients:

1. Compassionate Care
Providing empathetic and compassionate care can help to address the unique physical and emotional needs of female patients.
2. Respect for Privacy
Nurses should ensure that all patients’ privacy and dignity are respected during examinations and procedures.
3. Sensitive Discussions
Engaging in open and respectful conversations about sensitive topics such as reproductive health, menstrual issues, menopause, and sexual health, can help patients feel listened to.
4. Education
By providing information and education about health issues, preventive measures, and self-care practices, nurses can help empower patients and give them the tools to make informed decision about their care.
5. Support During Pregnancy
Nurses and midwives can offer prenatal care, childbirth education, and breastfeeding support. Providing valuable guidance for patients throughout the stages of pregnancy and postpartum.
6. Domestic Violence and Abuse
With training, nurses can recognise signs of domestic violence and abuse and provide resources and support for those affected.
7. Mental Health
There are several mental health concerns, which are not specific to women, but for which some patients may require additional support such as postpartum depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Nurses can provide information and help regarding these.
8. Pain Management
Nurses can help assess and manage menstrual pain, endometriosis-related pain, and other chronic conditions that affect women’s health.
9. Counselling and Emotional Support
Nurses can offer emotional support and counselling for patients facing infertility, pregnancy loss, or other challenging life circumstances.
10. Advocacy
Nurses can advocate for women’s health needs within the healthcare system, ensuring that the concerns of their patients are taken seriously and addressed appropriately.


For Female Colleagues:

1. Mentorship
Providing mentorship and guidance to junior colleagues can help them navigate their careers and professional development.
2. Work-Life Balance
By recognising the unique challenges female colleagues may face in managing caregiving responsibilities and career demands nurses can support work-life balance for all.
3. Safe Environment
Working to help create a safe and inclusive work environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and gender bias.
4. Professional Networking
Nurses can encourage and facilitate opportunities for colleagues to network and connect with other healthcare professionals.
5. Skill Development
Volunteer to lead training and skill development opportunities to help your colleagues enhance their clinical and leadership skills.
6. Flexible Scheduling
Nurses can advocate for flexible scheduling options to accommodate the needs of all colleagues, particularly those with family responsibilities.
7. Recognition
Foster a culture of appreciation and recognition by acknowledging and celebrating the achievements and contributions of colleagues.
8. Conflict Resolution
Help mediate and resolve conflicts, ensuring a harmonious and supportive work environment.
9. Career Advancement
Nurses can provide guidance and support for colleagues seeking career advancement, including help finding leadership roles and accessing specialised certifications.
10. Wellness Initiatives
Collaborate on wellness initiatives that promote physical and mental well-being, fostering a healthy and supportive workplace.


Together we can help support women’s healthcare and promote the health and wellbeing of our patients and colleagues.
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14 Sep 2023 | Leave a comment

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